domenica 3 agosto 2008

board 12

3 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

Board 12: Since it's the first photo that appears on the blog, it had a really powerfull impact on me. It reminds of a grafiti on a side wall of a building in Berlin, so that filled me with nostalgia. It's a slightly disturbing photo as well, as it could be frightening, I guess, or violent, with the branches reaching out to grab you, but when I think about it and be honest, the main feeling is hope and relief.

Story: The tree made of paint just sighed, as the woman on the inside of the wall opened her window once again, ripping out a piece of its trunk. Day in and day out, life was always the same for the tree, which was spray-painted on the side of a building in Berlin. In one sudden, impulsive moment, something snapped inside it, quite literally, as it made a move and tried to leap out of the wall, losing a branch in the process. It pierced the wall, its long, ancient branches turned into hands just reaching out to feel the air and breeze, and even maybe to catch the birds flying around it. The tree never thought he would see birds flying around it, even if those particular ones gave it the creeps. It stretched once more, full detaching itself from the wall and unfolding its full length and size ... freedom felt great.

Dayvie ha detto...

Pause for last thought
nostrils comforted by natures air
see birds spiraling
evaporate without care

Songbirds, natutes helping hands
the knuckled branches from a fistless tree
my body finds a final thorny nest
like a birdsong another soul is set free

I have been talking with the sunshine
the sunshines been talking to me
words with you are drawing close
in your thoughts i hope to always be

this is what i want now
lord cut the cords of this kite
like a bird in troubled wind
i am not free till i am in your loving light

conflicted are my body and soul
waves and rocks can never be at ease
there is no hate in my fading heart
heaven smiles, from the hands of trees

lost in fabric ha detto...

story by: Davide

.board 12
mi da un senso di solennità, di tensione verso l'alto, ma anche di una disperata richiesta d'aiuto
.board 10 (vasca)
mi da un senso di mistero, sollecita la mia curiosità nel sapere cosa si trova nella vasca. cosa c'è li sotto? una lampadina o l'accesso per una città fantastica,magica?
dove sono? come ci sono finito qui? cammino in una landa desolata dove fa caldo, fa molto caldo. Schiacciato dal nulla che mi circonda mi trovo davanti ad un albero senza foglie, senza vita, ma invaso da una strana luce. Mi avvicino... e in un attimo... i rami prendo vita si muovono tentando di prendermi, di afferrarmi...l'istinto mi porta a scappare ma l'attrazione e la curiosità hanno il sopravvento, mi abbandono, chiudo gli occhi e... maledetta sveglia! mi alzo e vado al lavoro.


.board 12.
It gives me a feel of solemnity, of tension towards the sky, a desparete cry for help.
.board10 (bath)
it gives me a feel of mystery, it makes me wander what’s in the bath. What’s in there? A lightbulb or the entrance for a magin town?
Where am I? How did I end up here? I am walking through the desolate fields and it’s hot, it’s very hot. Threatened by the emptiness that surrounds me, I find myself in front of an tree without leaves, without life, but wwith a strange light coming out from it. I get in a moment...the branches come to life and they move tryong to catch me...My instinct is telling me to run away, but my couriosity wins, I abandon myself, I close my eyes and...damn alarm clock! I get up and I go to work.