sabato 2 agosto 2008

board 10/11

5 commenti:

Annerley Johnson ha detto...

Hi Mara

The bath is my favourite of all these images. It's really sinister. Like Dr. Crippin's bath of acid waiting for a victim.

It's got a kind of finite feeling about it.

Hpe this helps!

Annerley x

Dayvie ha detto...

He dwells in wood with sorrowful eyes
Under bent branches expectingly lies
Gentleman only appear
When sodden ground dries

Eyes in gaps watch, catch glimpse of crest?
Impeccible manners not of a beast to jest
Gentelman appear
Aloof superior and delicously dressed.

This one made me think of the manners of the graceful deer that live on Cannock Chase near to my home, you rarley get to see them and when you do they always look superior, i saw this in your image.

lost in fabric ha detto...

Story by: Laura

In the silente of the night, thoughts make noise...i feel like I am fading. The darkness is contagious, slowly I can’t see myself anymore, the nose, the lips, they are not mine they are just eyes, lips, a nose, like the ones on a stranger’s face..
I reach out in the darkness and I observe my hand, as if for the first time.
I move my hand with astonishment and all this makes me feel as if I ma there, it’s nothing but a hitch in my stomach, a drop that falls and very secon in the silence... it’s loud on the ground and it hurts my head.
Tic tac...tic tac...tic tac...tictactictactictac.. naw it’s’s a constant turture, but it helps me to not think... now the whole world has become small, quite, and all that it is left is that enormous, loud, heavy drop that, when it is full, falls and gets lost amongst all the drops that have fallen before, foa a second they have been loud as well, but that are now small, far, harmless, so transparent that they’ve never really existed.
Who am I? Am I my body? Am I my thoughts? Am I what I leave behind scratching the wall of silence that goes through me and is around me.
Where do thoughts come from? Where do they end up? Is there an archive of all the dpast thoughts?
They are divided into different folders, they are sheets of paper, they are colors, they are shapes or maybe spiced biscuits... each of them brings me back to the time when it was born.
Everything is in there, i just need to find the right vision, in all this space, it doesn’t take much to be immersed in dark thoughts, but in a second you can catch a dream, a beautiful thought, a wonderful obsession, that carries you far away, carries you forwards... and thet’s how i fall asleep, thinking about the most fantastic dream, about what I’ll be doing tomorrow, about the future... I rock myself in the light. I comfort myself and I look for the strenght in me.

lost in fabric ha detto...

Story by :Enrico

Questa immagine, nonostante mi provoca una certa malinconia, mi piace molto, oltre che per la sua composizione, anche perchè è ricca di significati...almeno secondo me!!!!

--- Il gatto d'appartamento ---
E' la storia di un gatto d'appartamento costretto a vivere in 100mq, nella zona più esclusiva della città! Certo le comodità non mancano, il cibo è manca qualcosa, la libertà che solo una vita in mezzo alla natura può dargli. E così passa gran parte dei giorni alla finestra guardando e invidiando la libertà che hanno i volatili...

lost in fabric ha detto...

Story by: MIKINA

board 10/11
middle art:
it actually makes me feel scared,
scared of war and enemy soldiers coming
it reminds me how bad was civilians' life during the WW2... I dunno, it makes me feel hounded, like something unknown and dangerous is about to happen (e.g. bombarding)...or
evil soldiers are coming closer and closer and closer...
there is nowhere to run, to escape,
there is no electricity... I am in a very hopeless situation which I cannot refuse, defy.... I am in the hands of fate without any possible control for future that are about to happen...
I guess it's similar feeling to what will smith had to feel in 'I am legend' book/film while sleeping at night... I don't point to this only because him sleeping actually in the bath (the bath is only coincidence here) but because the way he probably felt... very very hounded... with butterflies in your tummy (opposite feeling to love tho... very very oppostite... the negative, stressful one)